Barack Obama is extending his hand again the Muslim world. After the speech in Cairo in 2009, and that of Jakarta, in 2010, the President of the United States wanted to mark again the disconnect between the policies of his predecessor, George W. Bush, behind the invasion of Iraq in 2003, and his own.
But since his last message to the Muslim world, six months ago, the Arab spring reworked maps in North Africa and the Middle East.However, "although these countries are very far from our borders, we know that our fate depends on them," said the president of the United States in the introduction to his speech on U.S. policy towards the Arab world , delivered at the State Department (the equivalent of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in France), in Washington.
It was also the first speech of this kind since the death of Osama bin Laden, May 1.This has allowed Barack Obama to condemn the violence and stressed that the Arab world now sees the extremism of Al-Qaeda "an impasse".
"Punishment does not work"
That's why "the United States must necessarily change our approach" vis-à-vis the Arab world, said the Nobel peace 2009. For Washington, this shift is primarily to consider the hours of leaders who repress the demonstrators are now counted."The strategies of repression will not work anymore," said Barack Obama as a warning to the Libyan regime, Syria, Yemen and Bahrain.
"We can not intervene everywhere ... Our experience in Iraq shows how difficult it is to impose a regime in a country. But if we had not acted in Libya, thousands of people have died.Today, Qaddafi has more control of the country, "the president said about the intervention of the international coalition which is involved in Washington since March 19 last.
Similarly, in Syria, "Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad is now facing a choice: He can lead the transition, or move away," warned Barack Obama in particular demanding an end to violence against demonstrators.Otherwise, Bashar Al-Assad - that Washington has unilaterally sanctioned Wednesday - and his regime "will be challenged from within, and will continue to be isolated outside," he said.
With regard to Yemen, Barack Obama called President Ali Abdullah Saleh to "respect its commitments regarding the transition." Coincidence or not, the ruling party said during the speech that the agreement between Saleh, in power for 32 years, and the opposition, would be signed Sunday.Initiatives in the Middle East "more urgent than ever" The tenant of the White House has even rebuked his traditional ally of the Arabian Peninsula, Bahrain, calling the government "to establish the necessary conditions for dialogue" and the opposition "to accept and participate in dialogue." When the army had suppressed the demonstrations against the government in early February, Washington had not responded. "In the coming months, the U.S. will exert maximum efforts to support reforms in North Africa and the Middle East, "insisted Barack Obama, who announced plans to help Egypt and Tunisia, where the head of state was chased by protesters.But "initiatives more urgent than ever" concern the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for which the diplomatic efforts for a resumption of peace negotiations are currently on the rise. In his speech, Barack Obama went further than before, setting the parameters of an agreement between Israelis and Palestinians, without going so far as to unveil a U.S. peace plan.
Washington now has goals for the borders of Israel and a future Palestinian state are based on those of 1967 and the latter to be demilitarized. "We'll agree on the duration of this period of transition, and the effectiveness of security arrangements should be demonstrated," he added.But if diplomatic efforts are progressing, the security issue it is far from settled. Barack Obama conceded that the presence of Hamas in the unity government of Palestinian territories "complicated negotiations." As for the Israelis, they would have approved construction of 620 homes in east Jerusalem on Thursday, says an NGO. Not sure it makes things easier ...